Partner Evaluation Requirements
Hope Ethiopia, Inc.
Thank you for reaching out to Hope Ethiopia to be considered as a potential partner. To help us understand your organization’s goals, needs, and potential fit, please provide the following information to help us in our evaluation.
Purpose and Organizational Structure
1. Please provide a clear, concise statement of your mission and purpose, and who the target beneficiaries are. What are the emphases or specific needs that you are trying to address? (e.g. health, education, poverty alleviation, economic development, spiritual/religious formation, environmental sustainability, social justice/equity, etc.)
2. Organizational structure – are you legally incorporated as a partnership, corporation, LLC, etc.? If so, in which country is it formally registered?
3. Tax status – if you are legally a corporate entity, are you registered as a non-profit charity or for-profit enterprise?
4. If domiciled in the U.S., do you have IRS 501c(3) tax status? Do you have any subsidiaries that are 501c(3), or are you part of a parent organization that is 501c(3)?
5. Please describe details of your governance structure and management, e.g. Board of Directors, executive roles, program managers, etc.
Funding and Activities
6. Please provide comprehensive financial statements (audited, if possible) for the past three years.
7. Describe your funding activities and sources. Are the sources primarily individuals or other charities or institutions? How does funding source and amount vary year-over-year?
8. Describe your typical field activities – geographic area, targeted beneficiaries, specific actions/interventions, size/frequency of actions, etc. Who are the personnel that coordinate supplies and provide the “hands-on” direct support to the beneficiaries?
9. Do you offer opportunities for donors or interested parties to visit & observe your activities in the field or volunteer on a short-term basis? Please describe.
10. Please provide comprehensive quantitative measures summarizing your activities and beneficiaries.
11. Please provide some recent qualitative “success stories” that demonstrate impact and effectiveness of your programs and services.
12. Please list your website address, social media handles, or other public-facing access points to your organization. Please provide some examples of brochures, fundraising solicitations, or other materials describing your activities.
Contacts and Accountability
13. Are you a member of any consortium or organization that reviews, rates, or assesses charities in financial accountability? (e.g. Guide Star, Charity Watch, BBB If so, please specify.
14. Please provide a list of three references (contact person, phone, email) for persons or organizations which your organization has worked with.
15. Please provide the name, title, and contact info for a person in your organization who will be the main point of contact with Hope Ethiopia Inc. over the course of the partnership.
Connecting with Hope Ethiopia, Inc.
16. How did you learn about Hope Ethiopia, Inc. and what is your purpose in contacting us?
17. What are you seeking from Hope Ethiopia, Inc. to assist or strengthen your organization and its capabilities?
18. What extent of partnership are you envisioning with Hope Ethiopia, Inc.? E.g., one-time specific project, occasional projects on an ad-hoc basis, ongoing partnership for regular operations.
19. Are you able to provide a minimum of two reports per year describing field activities and effectiveness, and an annual audited financial report?
20. Are you open to annual field visits by Hope Ethiopia personnel as part of an ongoing partnership and accountability?
21. If any material or significant changes occur to any of the preceding questions, are you able to provide relevant updates to Hope Ethiopia in a timely manner?