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ETC Building Fund

Ethiopia is a strategic area for God’s Kingdom, at the crossroads with Muslim dominated areas of the world.  God is moving, and the number of people coming to faith in Christ is exploding, but the capacity to train leaders is overwhelmed, with only 1 in 9 church leaders having any Christian training. 


ETC is endeavoring to address this leadership gap with a plan to more than double its capacity to train Christian leaders by constructing a new campus in downtown Addis Ababa that will not only increase its capacity to train Christian leaders but also provide rental income to increase scholarships and lessen dependence on foreign donors. 

Tax Deductible contributions may be sent directly to:


HopeEthiopia, Inc

P.O. Box 71055

Sunnyvale, CA  94086


Please specify that the donation is for ETC's Building Fund.


For donations from Donor Advised Funds or donations of Securities (Stocks, ETF, Mutual Funds), please send an email for instructions.



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HopeEthiopia, Inc
P.O. Box 71055
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
EIN 20-4237175

© 2017  by HopeEthiopia, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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